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sister's business cards

did some business cards for my little sister. i tried to keep them in line with the resume and website that i previously made. the back has the purple damask strip at the top and the rest is blank so that she could write customer specific info or appointment times or whatever.


yay! i got this tablet with my birthday money. i took this photo then added some graphics to show how excited i am to use it.


i really love the way this... whatever this is... turned out. it started off as an online photoshop tutorial (as i was looking for something creative to do this week). but it turned out so fun! i added this to my 52 group today (it's #47 - i can't believe how fast this year has gone!!)

san francisco

i took this photo on a ferry going to oakland. i love how the city stretches out behind the bridge. i pretty much just love the whole city!

wedding announcement

i did this postcard wedding announcement for my friend esther and her new hubby brian. they got married in estes park in a private ceremony. this was how they shared that moment with all their friends and family. (photos were taken by photographer hired for the event)

sister's website

i just finished up designing a website for my little sister. i bought a for dummies book and taught myself how to use html and css. this is my first attempt at making a website using just those.

sister's resume

i worked on a resume design for my little sister over the last few days. she just finished hair school and is now looking for a job. i couldn't let her go out into the world with an ugly resume so i spiffed it up a bit for her.

gg bridge

here's a photo i took of the golden gate bridge on a (rare) clear night. did some editing to make the colors pop and added some texture to make it more interesting.

san francisco

i'm officially a californian now! elliot and i just got the keys for our gorgeous new apartment. life's amazing. everything is awesome. i'm so super excited to start this new chapter of my life!

Maddy's birthday

i threw a birthday party for my car yesterday. there were probably 30 people in my house (about 20 more than have ever come to my birthday parties). it was a lot of fun. everyone brought "mini" items - there were a lot of airplane sized alcohols, some mini weenies, mini veggie trays, mini candy... it was awesome!

lonely evergreen

so my church is full of artsy people. and it's wonderful. this year they're having an open group on flickr called 52. the members of the group are to do something creative every week and post it to flickr. that's so great. i'm really excited to add my 2¢ and see what everyone else is doing. the picture here is entry #3 for me. it's an illustration i did while trying to get more comfortable with the gradient mesh tool in illustrator. most people are adding photos, but so far i have used a picture of a dinner i made (thanks esther for the cooking lessons!) and one of a hot dog necklace that i made (which yes, that was made a while ago, not this week. but i love the way it turned out and i'd like to show it off!).

your team

me and morgan at work like to play the "your team" game (assigning weird/ugly/gross objects/people to each others "team"). this seafood medley picture comes up in our ads a lot and always grosses us out. yesterday while she was at lunch i put this picture as her desktop wallpaper.