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bigger than my body

i love this photo of john mayer. i've had it saved on my computer for a while not knowing what i wanted to do with it. illustrating it was fun. all the detail in his tattoo(s) was intense but it was good practice with the wacom tablet that i got recently.

tea garden

i went to the japanese tea garden this morning to see the cherry blossoms. san francisco is an amazing city, they have this tour group called city guides. they're awesome! they give free tours of sf sites and neighborhoods every day of the week. incredible.

why so serious

this guy was hard. it's amazing how much his face has to do with the character. i had to decide how much to include without adding too much and making it super different from the rest of the pieces in this series / experiment. anyway this is heath ledger's joker from the dark knight.

in the neighborhood

mr rogers is awesome. there's not much else to say about this amazing guy, besides trying to find some dvd's of the show that i can re-watch...

scuba squad

"you mean i can be in the schkooba schkwad?" julian / frankenstein from big daddy is so freaking adorable. this is scuba steve. well, it's actually scuba sam, scuba steve's father. okay technically it's adam sandler as the character sonny, dressed up as scuba sam, scuba steve's father.


i've run out of types of suits. there's no plan from here. i watched death to smoochy last night and i couldn't get over rainbow randolph's fantastic sparkly suit so i decided that he would be my next v.i.p.

united words of america

an illustration i thought would be fun and challenging. the fonts don't really have anything to do with the state that they represent. i was going to attempt to match them up, but i realized that there are too many states that i don't know enough about to personify with a font. so i decided to just go with interesting and varied fonts. some states were really easy (colorado, new mexico, the dakotas), some were more difficult (michigan, hawaii, alaska, pretty much all of new england) and some ended up fitting better than i had anticipated (west virginia, mississippi, florida).


stephanie, mitch and cj from baywatch. do you get it? swimsuits!

also please take a moment to look at the full size picture. i worked hard on that chest hair and i wouldn't want you to miss it!


a classic suit wearer! pee-wee is making his comeback and for this i honor him in vector.


are tuxes suits? for my purposes today they are. harry and lloyd from dumb and dumber.

i'm with coco

i've been trying to think of more types of suits. or just people who wear suits. i watch conan's show and he is always in a suit so he became my next illustrated person.

threadless/ops design #2

i submitted another tshirt design to the threadless / ops design challenge. this one plays more with the "1/2 of all animals will disappear by the end of this century" idea. the planet is half empty. sad!