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the doctor

i've been streaming a lot of netflix stuff lately - i'm canceling that portion of my membership soon because the price is more than doubling. boo. anyway i'm trying to get through my queue and doctor who is a tv show i've been halfway interested in for a while and am just now getting around to watching.

i haven't watched any of the older versions, just the one starting in 2005 (i think). i'm currently in season 3, which is the doctor shown here. i actually liked the first (9th) incantation better - the actor wasn't very good looking but he was extremely charming. and i loved the smile that would just take over his whole face!

with this illustration i debated including rose tyler. i really like her (and her actress). but i left her out for one main reason: it's a quarter after 11, i'm tired and have to work tomorrow ;)


i just learned how to create my own "themes" for google chrome. it's amazing what a lack of options can push a person to figure out!