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coloring book

bear, medusa, harlequin, victorian
i found these super awesome prints (above) today by sean martorana on fab.com. when i saw them i thought they looked like different personas of the same person. i wanted to see if i could visually show that. i stayed up too late doing that last night! once i mashed them up it looked like a coloring book and i spent today coloring them in:

they all have the same right side of the face, with a different personality shown on the left.

Lyrical 2

i've really been into these lyrical posters. they're a lot of fun (well tedious and time consuming and mind-numbing) but enjoyable! it's a lot of work but i'm really getting in to it! i've done a michael jackson, katy perry, taylor swift and lady gaga. this one i made for my friend who loves t swift (i feel the absolute opposite of that about her). we always joke and argue about it so while making him a cute poster that he can put on the wall, i got my own little dig in there. about an eighth of the way down the poster (during the song love story) is the line "yo, taylor. i'm really happy for you. and i'mma let you finish. but shakespear had one of the best stories of all time." and after that it's the entire play romeo and juliet. ha! i love it.


i'm going to go see john legend in concert thanksgiving weekend and i'm really excited. he's just the most amazing. anyway i'm so excited i decided try and get some of my wigglies out by being creative. i really like the way this turned out!


So it seems I may now be a typographer. Okay maybe that's going to far. But after successfully (at least in my opinion) creating two families of type I'm pretty much an expert.

This was a lot of fun. Initially spurred by a quirk of writing a book with some friends, I decided that I would make typefaces out of their handwriting (to give the book a journaled feel). After I got theirs out of the way (ie my test subjects) I moved on to my own. This became a more daunting and time-consuming task than I thought I set out on. I normally write in all caps but I didn't think this would translate or read well in book form. So I ended up using uppers and lowers. This wasn't good
cool chart of top typefaces
enough. In my writing there is often emphasis added. That meant I needed either italics or bold. I went with italics, but then decided that I liked that almost more than regular. So I might use that face in the book. Which would mean I still needed an emphasis, so bold and bold italic followed. By this time though, I really wanted my real handwriting, so I ended up doing all four faces in small caps as well. All-in-all it turned out really well, and it's super fun to type and it show up looking like my handwriting.

The time thing I mentioned earlier was an interesting thing to keep track of. Here's a few ways I measured my time investment in this project:
• TV (that I watched in a small corner of my computer screen): 3 seasons of Breaking Bad
          + 1 season of Sherlock, Luthor and Shameless
    • Olympics: 34 gold, 22 silver and 25 bronze medals for team amuricah (U-S-A! U-S-A!)
• Kering pairs (two glyphs manually spaced): 34,486
• Glyphs: 845

graduation present

i did some drawing for the first time in a looooong time. this one was done because it was required of me. i drew my niece dietra as her graduation present, so the same needed to be done for justice. and her graduation is quickly approaching. i've been putting it off, just because it's been so long, but today was one of my last days off before i go back to nebraska. so i buckled down and got to drawing.

i'm happy with the results.


my little sister is getting married! so awesome. and a little weird. she is my little sister after all. it makes sense though. when we were little, she was always the one playing house while i was off filling in my coloring book with the smudges of every crayon i could find. anyway, she asked me to design her invites. of course i would! these went through a lot of versions (see below) before they became more of who she actually is and less of what i expected her to want.

disney princesses

these are amazing!!!! i just had to share. (all this art was done by viria13). besides the awesome princess hipsters there's a drawing of supernatural - one of my favorite shows. this girl is awesome. and only like, 18. talent.


i just placed an order for my niece's graduation announcements. the family couldn't decide on which pictures they liked for the back so i did two versions. i tried to keep it very simple and straight-forward, focusing on the pictures to tell the story. luckily justice decided her theme for graduation was colors. all colors. that tied in extremely well with the photos i took of her while she was in sf visiting. so one of those graffiti shots ended up on the front with 4 others gracing the back. i really like the picture of her with the sunglasses - it's young and fun. and since we were unable to use that for her senior pictures i was happy to be able to include it here. on the front i used the typeface whoopass for her name while the rest (including all on the back) is set in metromix.